Cine, Video and Digital Scanning Transfer Services

  • Cine Film Transferred
  • Video to DVD
  • Film Scans
  • Broken Videos
  • Audio Cassettes and Records
  • Film and Slide Scanning

Drop Off/Deliveries

Work can by delivered to the studios in person or by mail/courier. There is a mobile number on the studio door to ring to gain access. All work will be sent out cheaply by courier unless you have arranged to pick it uo in person

Video, Cine, Audio and Film Transfers

We are a specialist professional Video and Cine Transfer Company operating from established studios in Central London. We are part of the the Kodak Express Group which is your assurance of quality and professionalism.

All work is done by Pro Technicians

This means that we can keep the costs affordable, the quality high with the added bonus that work never gets lost!


We transfer all formats of video and cine film to DVD and editable computer files. We scan all formats of photographic negative and slide film. We have also recently introduced digital audio transfer from vinyl records and audio cassettes. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you cant see what you need.

Callers are welcome and Mail Order Customers can shop with us and pay online with complete peace of mind.

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Video Tape Conversion Services

Best Sellers

Cine Costs

8mm Cine Film

Super8/8mm Cine Film

Prices start at £6.50 per reel.

We give generous quantity discounts on Super8 and 8mm film which means that prices start as low as £6.50 reel.

DVD, and digital MOV files available as well as .MOV files for more advanced users.

More on 8mm Cine


9.5mm Cine Film

9.5m cine film is an unusual and rarely seen format these days.

With discounts, prices start at just £10/100ft.

It is easily recognised because of the single line of sprocket down the centre of the film.

More on 9.5mm Cine


16mm Cine Film

16mm Cine film was and is generally used by advanced amateurs and professional film makers.

With discounts, prices start at just £10/100ft.

More on 16mm Cine

Editable Files

Photo Film Scanning

Video & Cine

020 7387 9882

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