Polaroid Polavision Cine Film

Polavision Cine Transfer

Polaroid Instant 8mm Cine Film

Cine Film | 8mm Cine | 9.5mm | 16mm | Polavision | Examples | ID | Process |

Transfer, Copy & Conversion of Polaroid Polavision Film to DVD and computer files.

The “Polavision” home movie system was introduced by Polaroid in 1977. It allowed the user to immediately view the images that had just been shot.

Polavision Cine Film Transfer

The Polavision film was contained within a plastic cartridge, which was inserted into the Polavision movie camera .

Cine Film Transfer

Please note that the quality of Polavision Cine Film left a lot to be desired.


  • Each Polavision cassette - £20 each
  • 10% off for orders over £200
  • 20% off for orders over £400
  • Extra DVD Copy (max 2 hours) - £6
  • Easy listening music can be added to silent films

Please understand that in order to carry out these transfers, we need to take the film out of the submitted cartridges and put it onto spools in order to capture it. This effectively destroys the cartridge but the film is u affected.

How to Order

If you cannot make it into our shop simply post your cine film to us - don't forget to include your instructions, address and telephone number. On receipt of your work we will call you, confirm your instructions, and take payment by credit card over the phone..

Mail Order Form

.MOV Editable Files

Instead of an encoded DVD, you may wish to order an an editable computer file for home editing. We can supply you with an editable .MOV file for editing on PCs and MACs. An MOV file is approximately 1gb per minute. So if the running time of your cine film is 30 minutes we will need to put it on a 32gb USB stick. Customers can provide their own external hard drive or large capacity USB stick for this purpose or we can supply them in store at cost.

Image sequence files are also available for advanced users at 50% extra


Editable Cine Files

Extra DVDs - £6

Although DVDs last a lifetime without deterioration in quality one scratch or scuff mark will render it unplayable. For this reason we strongly advise you to order an extra DVD back up copy of your cine transfer work - the cost is only £7 per 2 hour DVD.


All cine film that comes into our studios is assessed for damage and cleanliness, FREE OF CHARGE. Typically, films may need resplicing and a puff of compressed air to remove dust and hairs. In our experience, no serious cleaning is usually necessary.

On occasion, cine film comes in smelling of vinegar - Vinegar Syndrome, or may be badly affected with mould and mildew. If this happens, we will contact you to discuss the options.

Cine Film Cleaning

Video & Cine

020 7387 9882


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