Identification of 9.5mm Cine Film

9.5mm Cine Film Identification

How to recognise 9.5mm Cine Film

Cine Film | 8mm Cine | 9.5mm | 16mm | Polavision | Examples | ID | Process |

9.5mm cine film is very easy to identify

9.5 cine film

  • It has sprocket holes in the middle
  • It is 9.5mm in width

You will be charged by the amount of cine footage you give us, so don't worry if the cine reels do not look completely full.

9.5 mm film is a format used mainly by amateurs and was manufactured in 1922 by Pathé Frères as part of the Pathé Baby system. It was a budget film format with the aim of providing copies of commercially made film to home users. Shortly afterwards, a 9.5mm cine camera was manufactured.

9.5mm cine film became popular in the 1920's and was available initially in black & white and then in colour.

9.5mm Brand Names

Brand names include Pathé, Pathéscope and Pathex.

Unused or Undeveloped 9.5mm film

One of the reasons which made the Pathe cine system so popular was easy loading film cartridges, shown below.

9.5mm Cine Cartridge

9.5mm Film Types

Home movie film was usually supplied on rolls 9 metres ( 30 ft) long. It may have been supplied in easy load cartridges (as above) but was also available as spool loaded film. The latter came in 50ft or 100ft (15 or 30 metres) lengths.

Before the First World War, the most popular film was known as Ortho Reversal.

After the war, Panchromatic film was produced. In 1953, Kodak introduced 9.5mm Kodachrome which was a colour film. Also available was Pathéscope Colour Film. This was made by a company called Ferrania and was available in the 1950s

There were many cameras and projectors made for 9.5mm cine film. Amongst the most successful was the Pathéscope H cine camera and the Gem Projector.

PDF Cine Price List

How to Order

If you cannot make it into our shop simply post your cine film to us - don't forget to include your instructions, address and telephone number. On receipt of your work we will call you, confirm your instructions, and take payment by credit card over the phone..

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Video & Cine

020 7387 9882

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